Palouse Heritage Landrace and Heirloom Grains - Team — Palouse Heritage

Our Team

Palouse Heritage is operated by a network of team members and volunteers who share our passion for both the Palouse region and heritage grains. Read more about our leaders below.



Don Scheuerman

Don is co-founder of Palouse Heritage. Brother to Richard and uncle to Andrew and Karl, he was raised on a small farm between the rural Palouse Country communities of Endicott and St. John, Washington. Don has worked on agricultural trade and development projects for the State of Alaska, Russian and Vietnamese State and private companies, and in the Eastern Washington retail food sector. He also is a partner in The Grain Shed in Spokane.


Richard Scheuerman

Dr. Richard Scheuerman is co-founder of Palouse Heritage. He was also raised on the family farm between Endicott and St. John, Washington, and is a career historian and professional educator. He has published numerous books and articles on a variety of topics, most of which relate to history and agriculture of the Inland Pacific Northwest.

His honors include the Washington State Historical Society's Robert Gray Medal for outstanding contributions to history education and the Washington Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Richard's awards for published works include the Governor's Writers Award, Washington State Book of the Year Finalist, and Inland Northwest Magazine's Best of Issue Article.


Andrew Farm.jpg

Andrew Wolfe

Raised in Endicott, Andrew has been participating in agriculture since he was big enough to buck a bale. After the completion of his bachelor's degree as a dual major in political science and history at the University of Idaho, Andrew spent time working for a study abroad program located in Regensburg Germany, a program which he had attended as a student. The opportunity to experience and explore some of the important locations of his Volga German ancestors served as the wind to turn his tack toward their legacy of agriculture. Since that time Andrew has worked in agricultural research on the Palouse and in the greater Inland Northwest and is partnered now with his uncles (Don and Richard) as Farm Director at Palouse Colony Farm

Karl Scheuerman

Also originally from Endicott, Karl grew up working the annual grain harvest before attending the Air Force Academy and earning a commission as a military intelligence officer. After multiple overseas deployments and earning advanced degrees in international security, he transitioned into a civilian career in cyber security and continues to serve part-time in the Air National Guard. More recently, Karl has published novel research on the intersection of technology, agriculture, and global food security. He assists the Palouse Heritage team in business operations and strategy.